Young Professionals
The Young Professional Committee gave me a place that I could interact with those my age with a similar mindset in this career, but it wasn’t until the YP Mixer in Nashville that I got to actually interact and network, forming professional relationships along with personal friendships that will no doubt carry through years.
APCO 2024 is an opportunity for you to make new connections, share ideas and expand your network. Our goal is to provide you with a conference experience that is memorable and contributes to your success. To give you a good start with knowing what to expect, we have listed some helpful information below.
Young Professional Mixer
Monday, August 5, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
JoJo’s Shake Bar
Must have badge for entry.
*JoJo’s is a 10 minute walk from the Orange County Convention Center. Guests can also take the APCO route 2 hotel shuttle bus to the Rosen Plaza and walk across the street to JoJo’s Shake Bar.

A must-attend event for those ages 35 years or younger. This reception brings together young professionals who are passionate about the public safety communications industry. It is an ideal opportunity to network and socialize with fellow young professionals. Invitations will be sent via email in July.
Young Professional Mixer sponsored by
Make sure to check out these areas at conference:
Career Advancement Center
Take advantage of these career focused sessions that will help you take charge of your professional growth. CEU’s are available.
Professional Development Sessions
Make sure to check out the Leadership Development track with sessions focused on developing skills to enhance your personal performance and become a great leader. CEU’s are available.
Think Tank Sessions
These micro-sessions are intentionally designed in an environment to enhance engagement.
Keynote Addresses
Enjoy hearing from Scott Kelly, Anthony Robles and Duncan Wardle as they present on leadership, teamwork and resilience.